Category Archives: Misc

Did CSI: Miami jump the shark?

I’ve never been a huge fan of CSI: Miami. First, I’m a Law and Order fan. There are three things I like about Law and Order: 1) the characters are entertaining and seem real; 2) there isn’t so much drama in the personal lives of the characters, the drama is about the crimes and the cases, not the people (for the most part); and 3) they often make me think, at least a little, about social issues and how justice is carried out in the US.

The CSI franchise, in general, doesn’t have any of this. It seems to me to be more brain candy than Law and Order, with the point being just to show how cool forensics can be. But, then they don’t even do the forensics right. They never wear hair nets, for example. The same people do every single task in the lab, which, for such a large lab, seems unlikely. And, there is lots of personal drama; half the stories are about the characters, not about the crime.

But, CSI: Miami has been my least favorite. Partially, because I think David Caruso’s Horatio Caine is just down right annoying. His one-liners, the attitude with which he gives them, just annoy me. And I think they have even more filler than the other versions. They spend a lot more time showing multiple angles of the crew taking tires off a car for analysis with some high-powered sound track than the others do. Much more fluff. Much more annoying. And I especially hate that nothing gets done in the lab until Caine is there to tell the supposed-expert on whatever technique du jour is going to solve the case how to do their job. Shouldn’t they be going to him with answers, not waiting for his play-by-play on what to do?

But, I wonder if they finally jumped the shark. The last episode Lisa and I watched had these “bullet points”. I’m not sure if they are a permanent feature, but they were sure damn annoying. Little pop-ups, inspired by VH1, complete with sound effects (of a firing gun). And the pop-ups contained facts that didn’t seem to add to the story. Lost is doing something similar with their repeated episodes, but without the sound effects and they are actually informing you on the story. And, it seems that the latest episode of CSI: Miami had even more of the filler I was complaining about above. If you took out all of the filler that just showed the characters pretending to do analysis and just had the bits that actually advance the plot, I bet you could squeeze the episode to a half or third of the total running time.

So, I’ve never been much of a fan, but it seems like CSI: Miami is getting even worse. I just don’t understand why it is the most popular of the three CSIs.

Christmas Break

Last Christmas, I got Neverwinter Nights and spent the whole break playing it.  This Christmas, Lisa got me a Nintendo DS Lite.  And, well, I nearly spent the entire break playing it.  I did get a lot of home improvements done too (installed a sink [pedestal sinks are hard to install just because there isn’t any room to work behind them], installed track lighting in the kitchen, as well as lights under the cabinets, installed shelves in the nursery, etc), so it wasn’t as bad as last year.  But, I did play enough to win The Legend of Zelda, the Phantom Hourglass.

Phantom Hourglass was pretty cool.  It really takes advantage of the touch screen.  I never used the buttons at all.  So, it was an interesting game playing experience.  It was a bit repetitive on some of the dungeons, but otherwise, was fun to play.

If anyone out there has a Nintendo DS Lite and has recommendations for games, I’d really like to hear them.  I’ve got Madden 08, Age of Empires, and Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga on my wishlist, but if there is anything else I should look into, please let me know.

Cool sites is a cool way to compare different aspects of the various countries of the world. They do this by scaling the size of a country by the relative amount they have some property of interest. For example, the first thumbnail is the regular land area of each country. The second thumbnail is scaled to represent the number of new books published in each country. You can quickly see that Europe publishes a huge number of books relative to their relative land area while Africa publishes next to none. They have a large number of such maps, over 300, covering things such as net exports, voter turnout, number of elderly, and much more. I read about this site in Physics Today. Do you want to super-charge your digital camera? Make crystal-clear ice? Build a Tesla turbine? Make a 25mm pneumatic sniper rifle? (OK, if you want to do this last one, maybe you should contact your local DoHS agent and let them know…) has HOWTOs for a large number of esoteric as well as practical projects. It seems most of them don’t require too many supplies, at least not supplies that are overly expensive. And some have videos accompanying them, showing why you would want to do the project. The step-by-step instructions seem simple enough. I’ll be sure to try some of them as soon as I can.