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Buber's Basque Page
This is why most of you are here. Created by Blas, Buber's Basque Page attempts to compile information about the Basque people. The pages contain many contributions from volunteers from all over the world. The topics span history, language, sports and games, folklore, politics, and genealogy, among many others.
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I've joined the hordes of bloggers out there and started my own blog. It won't be updated all that often, probably, but I'll post my thoughts here and am hoping that
people who want to discuss the topics I am interested in want to share their opinions too.
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Homepage of the New Mexico Euskal Etxea
The New Mexico Euskal Etxea is a new club for the Basque community in New Mexico. New Mexico has been witness to both eras of Basque immigration to the US - the original group that came during the Spanish colonization of the area and the later sheepherders who were scattered over the western US. This page describes the club and gives information about upcoming events.
Unfortunately, NMEE is currently dormant. Hopefully, someday in the future, that might change...
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Blas Pedro Uberuaga, blas@buber.net