Random Political Thoughts


Just some random political thoughts I had ruminating about in my head while driving home:

Will we ever have another good political debate? I mean in the spirit of the Lincoln-Douglas debates, when the two men ran for the US Senate. The debates these days are so watered down, so lifeless, so uninformative. They don’t really even qualify as debates. The candidates don’t present their view on some topic and then debate the merits of their opponent. They get stock questions for which they have uninspiring answers. I don’t imagine we will ever have a series of debates worth recalling in US History class, worth just referring to as the Obama-Clinton debates or the McCain-Huckabee debates. That eloquence is gone, replaced with the 30 second sound bite. I think our political process has lost something with them.

Why is Clinton attracting the blue-collar vote? I read today that Clinton is attracting more of the blue-collar democratic vote. I have to admit that I am perplexed by this. I’m not entirely sure why, but I feel like Clinton comes across as more of an upper class or elitist person. That Obama is more “regular guy”. This might be just because I don’t know enough about Obama, but Clinton has money (she just loaned her campaign $5 million), she has connections to the party (she is essentially part of the party establishment), and she just comes across as having more airs. So, I’m not sure what about her would attract that blue-collar vote. Lisa speculated that maybe they remember the good Clinton years and she is a symbol of that. That was my first though too, that she is somehow comfortable for that block. But, really, it doesn’t make sense to me.

The next president, either democrat or republican, is essentially screwed. I don’t see how he or she can have a successful presidency. Spending has to be gotten under control; there is no way the next president can spend at the same rate Bush has been spending. That means one of two things: higher taxes or cuts in lots of programs. Either would be very unpopular. Then there is the war. What to do there? If a democrat cuts and runs, and the situation goes to hell in a hand-basket, the republicans will say “We told you so.” If a republican “stays the coarse” and things don’t get any better, the democrats will say “We told you so.” There is no obvious solution and it isn’t clear that anything we can do will make the situation better. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought Bush and Rove planned this from the beginning: screw up the country so bad that a democrat is almost guaranteed to win, but is stuck with such a bad situation that there is no way they can fix it. It almost invariably will get worse. With the short attention span of the voting public, the democrats will be blamed for all the failings, and the republicans will be back in power for quite a while. But, I don’t think they are that smart. I just don’t see how the next president can really do a great job with the baggage and burden he or she will have to deal with.

7 thoughts on “Random Political Thoughts”

  1. Blas,

    Great Read. I find it so frustrating that you can’t actually get a the candidates to state their stances on issues. (Dave and I were just talking about this the other day.) It is funny because I look at both Obama and Clinton as elitists… possibly because they are both politicians… I don’t know. It will be interesting to see what happens beyond Bush.


  2. Yeah, I think it would be interesting to see a real debate. We didn’t have a debate team or anything at Homedale, but I imagine it to be a lot more substantial than the Q&A we get. They really shouldn’t call them debates, I don’t think.

    I can see how both might be viewed as elitist. I imagine this is true of all politicians. Very few of them seem to be worth less than a few million dollars. So, my views of Hillary being more elitist than Barack may be unfair, it’s just my gut reaction.

    Typing this, I noticed my spell checker doesn’t recognize Barack. I imagine that, if he wins, the next edition will. 🙂

  3. I totally understand how you could view Hillary as more of an elitist. Just stating that they both seem like one to me. 🙂

    I don’t even like watching the “debates” because they seem like such a waste in that you can’t get any good information about the candidates. Dave pointed out that if one candidate says “I like blueberries.” (Just an example.) The other candidate can run an ad depicting how horrible and awful blah blah blah liking blueberries is. It is just too bad we have to attack each other instead of accepting that we have different view points and just letting the American public choose who will BEST represent them. How do we make an informed decision today?

  4. That sounds oddly familiar. Sort of like saying “Peyton is a good QB.” “But, Ben is better.” “But Jordan is the best.” “But, only because he had Pippen.” 😉

    I’m surprised a Uberuaga hasn’t gotten into politics.

  5. Well… I started talking about how this brother would be good because… I think brother would be good because, etc. And then thought… I don’t want this published! 🙂 But the Uberuagas would make fine politicians, I could just see the Tony vs. Dave vs. Blas debate. OOOHHH – could we please add this to the Fantasy FB Draft Weekend line-up of fun???

  6. LOL. I suggest you invest in a good set of boxing gloves then and learn the boxing stance. You guys could each pretend to be a candidate running for Pres. – it would be hilarious.

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