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buber.net > Basque > Diaspora > Basque Families of Antioquia, Colombia
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Basque Families of Antioquia, Colombia
Surnames beginning with A by Pieter Hartog
The following is an extract from Colombian publications on this subject, and does not only cover pure Basque families but as well families from adjacent provinces from the Spanish Kingdom. Following families are considered nowadays "Antioqe�an" or "Paisa", as typical from the department of Antioquia (Colombia). Note that close to a 100% of these families entered the territory of nowadays Colombia through the port of Cartagena de las Indias. In a seperate e-mail I will give you some info on families who did not travel further into Colombia, but stayed in Cartagena or closeby located coastal cities or townships.
Family names Aguirre Aldana Alzate Aranzazu Aristiz�bal Arteaga Arroyave Arrubla Atehort�a Baena Barreneche Berr�o Casta�eda Chavarriaga Echavarr�a Echeverri Elejalde Elorza Gaviria Isaza Lorenzana Londo�o Mariaca Marulanda Mendoza Mondrag�n Montoya Obeso Ochoa Orozco Ospina Ossa Palacio Saldarriaga Sarrazola Sol�rzano Taborda Upegui Uruburu Urreta Yarza Zabala Zul�ibar Zuluaga 1) AGUIRRE Captain FRANCISCO DE AGUIRRE was the first of this family to arrive in Antioquia. He arrived at the beginning of the 17th century in Antioquia, and the information at hand indicates that he was originally from Bilbao. Short genealogy:
I) Francisco Aguirre (Bilbao) x Catalina de Ibarra (daughter of Domingo de Ibarra x Isabel Gonz�lez) II) Francisco Aguirre (Santaf� de Antioquia) x Margarita Elorza (daughter of Domingo de Elorza x Juana de Lezcano) Francisco died in Santaf� de Antioquia in 1697. III)a) Manuela Aguirre (married Antonio Tabares Guerrero) b) B�rbara Aguirre (married Andr�s de Zabala) c) Nicol�s Aguirre d) Domingo Aguirre e) Francisco Aguirre (married Mar�a Piedrah�ta) f) Juana Aguirre e) Francisco Aguirre x Mar�a Piedrah�ta, various children - of which IV) Juan de Aguirre x Jer�nima Casilda Piedrahita (marriage in Medell�n, february 1705) Of this marriage various descendants. 2) ALDANA In the first half of the 18th Century PEDRO DE ALDANA arrived in Antioquia. We only know that he originally came from Vizcaya and was the son of Domingo de Aldana and Simona de Aguirre. Married with Catalina de Silva and died approximately in 1775 in Santaf� de Antioquia. No known descendants. 3) ALZATE Captain Juan de Alzate, born in San Sebasti�n, Guipuzcoa was the first of this family to arrive in Antioquia. He was the son of Juan de Alzate and Catalina Olais. He moved to the Americas around 1650 and established himself in Medell�n. He died in Medell�n on August 12th 1703.. He married twice, the first time with: a)Mariana Melian de Betancourt (daughter of Francisco Melian de Betancourt x Margarita Alvarez del Pino), from which following descendants: 1. Captain Juan Ventura Alzate x (Medell�n, October 29th 1688) Francisca Legarda (daughter of Antonio Legarda x Magdalena Salazar) a) Mariana Alzate x Francisco L�pez de Restrepo (son of Marcos L�pez de Restrepo x Magdalena Guerra Pel�ez) b) Francisco Jos� Alzate x Catalina L�pez Atuesta b1) B�rbara Alzate x Javier Montoya c) Juan Alzate x Juana Mar�a Espinosa d) Bernardo Alzate - priest 2. Mart�n Leanordo de Alzate x B�rbara G�mez de Ure�a (daughter of Jos� G�mez de Ure�a x Lucia de Arnedo), from which following descendants: 2.1 Captain Juan de Alzate x (1) Luisa Orozco (daughter of Santiago Orozco Berr�o x Magdalena Casta�o) 2.1.a) Rosal�a Alzate x Pedro Caballero 2.1.b) Mar�a Paula Alzate x Jos� Garc�a x (2) Ignacia Granda (daughter of Francisco Granda x Gertrudis S�nchez ) 2.2 Marcos Alzate x Catalina Salazar (lived in Rionegro & Marinilla), from which following descendants: 2.2.a) Luis Alzate (born January 1734) x Maria Ignacia Garc�a (daughter of Rafael Garc�a x Javiera Giraldo) 2.2.b) Jos� Fernando Alzate, born August 1735 2.2.c) Maria Bernabela Alzate (born June 1737) 2.2.d) Francisco Javier Alzate (born December 28th 1739) x Josefa Mart�nez (daughter of Francisco Mart�nez x Silvestra Gallego 2.2.e) Maria Ignacia Alzate (born August 1742) x Jos� Ocampo 3. Gertrudis Alzate x Fernando de Toro (son of Crist�bal de Toro x Andrea Guerra y Pel�ez) 4. Magdalena Alzate x Alonso Correa Collantes b) Juana L�pez de Restrepo (son of Alonso L�pez de Restrepo x Josefa Guerra Pel�ez), from which following descendants: 5. Catalina Alzate x Juan de Rivera Prieto 6. Francisca Alzate x Jos� Le�n Zamarra 7. Josefa Alzate 8. Gregoria Alzate 9. Pedro Alzate 10.F�lix del Espritusanto Alzate 11.Bernardino Alzata - priest 4) ARANZAZU Juan Blas de Aranzazu was the first of this family name to arrive in Antioquia. He was originally from Madaria, province of Alava. He was the son of Francisco de Aranzazu and Mar�a Santos de Zubiaga and grandchild of Esteban de Aranzazu and Francisca de Latorre (father�s side) and Juan de Zubiaga and Angela del Campo (mother�s side). The Zubiaga family was originally from Hervi (Ayala), province of Alava. Juan Blas Aranzazu married in Pais Vazco Luc�a Jer�nima Tornero, originally from San L�car de Barrameda. Out of this marriage a son was born, J�se Mar�a de Aranzazu. In 1774 Jos� Mar�a de Aranzazu sailed together with his mother, Luc�a Jer�nima Tornero to Nueva Granada, inorder to be reunited with his father, Juan Blas Aranzazu who had established himself in Honda and was involved in commercial activities. Luc�a Jer�nima Tornero died in 1782 and Juan Blas Aranzazu married in 1784 Josefa Antonio Armero, of Mariquita (daughter of Jos� Mesa Armero and Lucia Ruiz Montero). Out of this 2nd marriage a total of 7 children were born. Juan Blaz Aranzazu died June 7th 1802. Jos� Maria Aranzazu (only son from first marriage) studied in Santaf� de Bogot� and after having completed his studies he moved to the department of Antioquia. He married in Rionegro Mar�a Antonia Gonz�lez (daughter of Cosme Gonz�lez x B�rbara Villegas) Out of this marriage the most known descendant was Juan de D�os Aranzazu, born in La Ceja (del Tambo) on March 8th 1798. He was President of the Republic of Colombia from June 15th 1841 until October 20th 1841, after having been Governor for the department of Antioquia from 1832 upto 1836. He died in Bogot� April 15th 1845, unmarried. 5) ARISTIZ�BAL Sebastian de Aristiz�bal (son of Domingo de Aristiz�bal x Ana Gorriaga), born around 1695 in Armaria, province of Guip�zcoa, was the first of this family name to arrive in Antioquia. He arrived in the department of Antioquia in the early 18th century and married in San Jer�nimo on April 10th 1719 with Luisa de Arbel�ez (daughter of Pedro L�pez de Arbel�ez x Francisco Latorre y Santiago). Out of this marriage 1. Miguel de Aristiz�bal (married in Marinilla x Bernarda Jim�nez, daughter of Domingo Jim�nez x Isabel Duque), from which marriage a) Jos� Antonio Aristiz�bal x Rita Serna (daughter of Jos� Serna x Bernarda Giraldo), from which marriage: a1) Juana Nepomucena Aristiz�bal x Juan Nepomuceno G�mez a2) Gregorio Aristiz�bal x Carmen G�mez (daughter of Francisco Jav�er G�mez x Josefa G�mez) a3) Indalecio Aristiz�bal x Mar�a Josefa Duque (daughter of Andr�s Duque x Nicolasa G�mez) a4) Mari� Aristiz�bal x Ram�n Alzate b) Rita Aristiz�bal x Miguel Mej�a c) B�rbara Aristiz�bal x Jos� Antonio Zuluaga (son of Miguel Zuluaga x Rosal�a Salazar) d) Vicente Joaquin Aristiz�bal - roman catholic priest e) Ana Maria Aristiz�bal - roman catholica nun 2. Jos� Antonio Aristiz�bal (married x Agustina Ram�rez, daughter of Juan Ram�rez x Josefa Jim�nez), from which marriage: a) F�lix Aristiz�bal x Andrea Duque (daughter of Luis Duque x Mar�a Garc�a) b) Mart�n Aristiz�bal x Encarnaci�n Arcila G�mez (daughter of Alejandro Arcila x Lorenza G�mez) c) Rita Aristiz�bal x Ferm�n Arcila G�mez (son of Alejandro Arcila x Lorenzo G�mez) d) Mariana Aristiz�bal x Fabi�n Duque e) Juana Josefa Aristiz�bal x Pedro Jim�nez (son of Bonifacio Jim�nez x Maria Ignacia Serna) f) Ignacia Aristiz�bal x Teodoro Duque (son of Luis Duque x Mar�a Garc�a) g) Lorenzo Aristiz�bal x Martina Ramos 3. Francisco Arist�z�bal (married x Bibiana Ram�rez, daughter of Ignacio Ram�rez x Teresa Jim�nez), from which marriage: a) Jos� Aristiz�bal x Petronila G�mez (daughter of Antonio G�mez de Castro x Jer�nima Jim�nez). from which marriage: a1) Nepomuceno Aristiz�bal x (1) Micaela Duque x (2) Carmen Orozco a2) Gabriel Lino Aristiz�bal x Francisco Id�rraga a3) Joaqu�n Aristiz�bal x Mar�a Ignacia Arias a4) Mar�a del Rosario Aristiz�bal x Miguel Osorio a5) Nicol�s Aristiz�bal x Bernarda G�mez a6) Jos� Antonio Aristiz�bal x Juana Mart�nez a7) Petrona Aristiz�bal x Antonio Mar�a Mart�nez a8) Jos� Mari� Aristiz�bal x Guadalupe Mart�nez, from which marriage: a8.1) Vicente Aristiz�bal x Mercedes Orozco (daughter of Ram�n Orozco x Matilde Orozco). From this family trunk many descendants in Rionegro, Antioquia. b) Nicol�s Aristiz�bal x (1) Rosal�a Zuluaga (daughter of Miguel Zuluaga x Rosal�a Salazar) x (2) Petrona Duque (daughter of Juan Gregoria Duque x Josefa L�pez). From this 2nd marriage following descendants: b1) Ana Mar�a Aristiz�bal x Juan Antonio Henao b2) Joaqu�n Aristiz�bal b3) Cristanto Aristiz�bal x Mar�a Ram�rez b4) Francisca Aristiz�bal c) Jos� Ignacio Aristiz�bal x Maria Salazar d) Juan Pablo Aristiz�bal x (1) Luisa G�mez x (2) Carmen Naranjo e) Tomasa Aristiz�bal x Juan Cris�stomo Duque f) Nicolasa Aristiz�bal x Jos� Antonio Gonz�lez g) Joaqu�n Aristiz�bal x Joaquina Alzate h) Franscisca Aristiz�bal x Jos� Mar�a Salazar i) Luis Aristiz�bal The Aristiz�bal family is widely spread over Antioquia, with strong presence in Medell�n, Marinilla, Santodomingo and T�mesis, plus some other villages. Still many data missing. 6) ARTEAGA Captain Luis de Arteaga came originally from San L�car de Barrameda, and was a son of Juan de Arteaga and Juana M�rquez. Married in Medell�n on August 4th 1695 with Alfonsa Alvarez del Pino (daugther of Gregorio Alvarez and Gabriela Carc�a de Ord�s. From this marriage following descendants: 1. Jos� Arteaga (died Medell�n March 22nd 1775) x Gertrudis S�nchez. From this marriage: a) Lorenzo Arteaga x Josefa Yarce b) Manuel Arteaga c) Ignacio Mart�n Arteaga d) Jacinto Arteaga e) Miguel Arteaga x Mar�a Trinidad Yarce (daughter of Jos� Yarce x Micaela Henao) e1) Jer�nimo Arteaga x Josefa Morales (daughter of Antonio Morales x Rita Molina), from which marriage: e1.1) Maria del Carmen Arteaga x Crist�bal Vegal (son of Carlos Vegal x Mercedes Boh�rquez) e1.2) Francisco Arteaga e1.3) Mercedes Arteaga e2) Josefa Arteaga x Jos� Nicol�s Monsalve e3) Vicente Arteaga x Josefa Monsalve e4) Rafaela Arteaga x Juan Salazar e5) Jos� Arteaga x Lorenza Salazar e6) Francisco Arteaga e7) B�rbara Arteaga e8) Alberto Arteaga From this family trunk many descendants 2. Pedro Mateo Arteaga x B�rbara Cuartas. From this marriage: a) Josefa Arteaga x Jos� Antonio Burgos (son of Francisco Burgos x Juana Mar�a Puerta) b) Quiteria Arteaga x (1) Nicol�s Guti�rrez x (2) Joaquin Salazar c) Juana Arteaga x Atanasio Vel�squez d) Candelaria Arteaga x Francisco Upegui Vel�squez e) Jos� Mar�a Arteaga x Ignacia de Rivera 3. Rosa Arteaga x (1) Francisco Jav�er G�mez x (2) Jos� L�pez de Arellano 4. Ignacia Arteaga x Felipe Franco (son of Pedro Franco x Gertrudis Luj�n) 5. Micaela Arteaga x Felipe Santiago Penagos 6. Gertrudis Arteaga x Manuel Enrique Duque (son of Manuel Duque x Jer�nima Soto) 7. Manuel Ignacio Arteaga 7) ARROYAVE Francisco Fern�ndez de Arroyave was the first of this family to arrive in Colombia. We do not know from where exactly he was originating, but believe he might have been from "Pais Vazco". Married with Margarita Vel�squez de Obando (daughter of Alonso Vel�squez de Obando x Marcela de la Parra). From this marriage following descendants: 1. Margarita Arroyave x Juan S�nchez de la Ignosa (or Hinojosa) 2. Josefa Arroyave x Juan Antonio Bustamente 3. Manuela Arroyave x Nicol�s Guerra Pel�ez (son of Francisco Guerra Pel�ez x Maria Graciano) 4. Teresa Arroyave x Domingo Ib��ez 5. Ignacia Arroyave x Pablo Guti�rrez de Lara (son of Miguel Guti�rrez de Lara x Juana de Torres Jaramillo) There are various families in Antioquia with the family name Arroyave, but sofar no connection could be proven with the above Arroyaves: a) Carlos Arroyave x Mar�a del Carmen Escobar, with descendants : a.1) Jos� Mar�a Arroyave x Francisca Garc�a (daughter of Francisco Garc�a x Jos� Mar�a Chavarriaga), from which descents: a.1.1) Jenaro Arroyave 8) ARRUBLA A) Tom�s P�rez de Rublas, son of Juan Jos� P�rez de Rublas and Maria Teresa de Arbizu y Beaumont was the first of this family to arrive in Antioquia, roughly around the late 18th / early 19th century. He was born in Ustes, Navarra. Tom�s P�rez de Rublas married in Santaf� de Antioquia with Maria Teresa Mart�nez Ferreiro (daughter of Bernardo Mart�nez x Francisca Ferreiro). From this marriage following descendants: 1. Cecilia Arrubla x Jos� Sime�n G�mez (son of Jos� Antonio G�mez x Manuela Pastor) 2. Maria In�s Arrubla x Toribio del Corral (son of the dictator Juan del Corral x Josefa Rublas) 3. Juli�n Arrubla x Candelaria Pont�n (daughter of Jos� Mar�a Pont�n x Mar�a Rita Ochoa V�lez), from which following descendants: 3a) Elvira Arrubla x Fedrico Uribe (son of Antonio Uribe x Mar�a Ochoa) 3b) Julio Arrubla x Mar�a Elena Jaramillo (daughter of C�stor Jaramillo x Susana Lalinde), from which marriage 3b1) Juli�n Arrubla x Amalia Restrepo Botero 3b2) Pepa Arrubla x Juan de Callejas 3b3) Elena Arrubla x Marco G�mez Botero 3b4) Isabel Arrubla x Abel Jaramillo Franco 4. Pedro Arrubla x Manuela Arias (daughter of Dr. Arias x Mar�a Jes�s Correa) 5. Bautista Arrubla (died Bogot� 1884) 6. Toribio Arrubla B) Juan Pablo P�rez de Rublas, born Ustes (Navarra) on March 10th 1738 was the brother of T�mas P�rez de Rublas. He also moved to Antioquia, and married on August 15th 1776 in Santaf� de Antioquia with Rita Mart�nez Ferreiro (sister of Teresa Ferreiro!). Juan Pabl� P�rez de Rublas died in Santaf� de Antioquia on April 1st 1795. Descendants from this marriage are: 1. Jos� Mar�a Arrubla (born Santaf� de Antioquia May 4th 1780, died Bogot� September 10th 1816, fusilated by troops of general Morillo) x Ignacia D�az de Herrera Galvis 2. Pedro Arrubla x Estanislaa Gonz�lez (daughter of Rafael Gonz�lez x Francisca Zapata Ossa), from which family: 2a) Petronila Arrubla x (1) Alejandro Arrubla ( cousin, son of Manuel Antonio Arrubla and NN - relation with another woman) x (2) Pedro Mar�a Gonz�lez (son of Indalecio Gonz�lez x Rita Montoya Zapata 2b) Sotera Arrubla x Dr. Rom�n de Hoyos (son of Sacramento de Hoyos x Mar�a de Villa) 3. Mar�a Josefa Arrubla x Juan del Corral 4. Manuel Antonio Arrubla (died Bogot�, November 10th 1864) x Ignacia Zuleta y Dom�nguez 5. Juan Manuel Arrubla (born Santaf� de Antioquia 1789, died Bogot�, July 9th 1864) x Mar�a Josefa Zabaleta (born Valencia, Venezuela, daughter of Manuel Zabaleta x Josefa Tedlez). Juan Manuel Arrubla was very much involved in the independance of Colombia and the founding of the Colombian nation. 9) ATEHORTUA Antonio de Atehortua, born in the village of Elorrio (Durango, Vizcaya), and son of Domingo de Atehort�a and Mar�a de Ossa. Grandchild of Juan de Atehort�a x Mar�a Mart�nez de J�uregui (father) and Juan de Ossa x Mar�a P�rez de Bolimbiscar. Moved from Pais Vazco to "Las Indias" around 1650 together with a younger brother and lived thereafter in the city of Santaf� de Antioquia. Maried overthere Francisca Zapata G�mez (daughter of Antonio Zapata G�mez de M�nera x Ana Mar�a de Toro). Died after August 29th 1688 in Medell�n, and had then following children: 1. Gertrudis Atehort�a x (1) Ignacio Casta�eda x (2) Pedro del Mazo 2. Margarita x Toribio del Mazo - no children 3. Nicol�s Atehortua x Gregoria Jaramillo (daughter of Alonso Jaramillo x Catalina Arango), following family: 3.1 Joaquin Atehort�a x Ana Mar�a de Arango (daughter of Miguel de Arango x Sebastiana G�mez, with following descendants: 3.1.a) Joaqu�n Atehort�a x Micaela Estrada Toro 3.1.b) Micaela Atehort�a x Jos� Ignacio Uribe V�lez 3.2 In�s Atehort�a x Juan Jos� Ortega (son of Juan de Ortega Urdanegui x Margarita Salazar) 3.3 Miguel Atehort�a x Mar�a Ignacia Vel�squez (son of Javier Vel�squez x Antonio G�mez Ure�a), from which following descendants: 3.3a) Jos� Atehort�a x Josefa Restrepo (daughter of Javier de Restrepo x Tomasa Escobar Guerra Pel�ez) 3.3b) Maria Antonio Atehort�a x Juan de Dios V�lez (son of (Francisco V�lez x Catalina Trujillo) 3.4 Mariana Atehort�a x Jos� Nicol�s Arango 3.5 Ignacia Atehort�a 3.6 Salvador Atehort�a 3.7 Josefa Atehort�a 4. Mar�a Atehort�a - nun in the convent of Carm�n, Cartagena de las Indias 5. Domingo Atehort�a - died single 6. Francisco Atehort�a 7. Rosa Atehort�a 8. Antonio Atehort�a 9. Isabel Atehort�a 10. Andr�s Atehort�a 11. Juana Atehort�a x Agust�n Ord�s y Mancilla So far the letter "A" of the alphabet. As you can see there are quite some parts missing of the above named genealogies, but anyhow believe that they could be very interesting & helpful to those searching the roots of their families. Next e-mail I will send you info on Basque families starting with the letter "B". All the best Pieter Hartog
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