The Basque Diaspora and Genealogy
The Basques, always an adventurous people, have spread far and wide across the globe. From their search for new fishing grounds to their role in the building of the Spanish Empire to their emmigration to become sheepherders in lands as distant as America and Australia, the Basques have always seized opportunities for a new life and established communities all over the world. Today, their descendants continue Basque traditions via dance, language, and music with new people discovering every day their Basque roots.
Immigrant Stories
As with all immigrant populations, as the original immigrants pass away, their stories are often lost with them. This is an attempt to preserve some of those stories. If you have stories from your Basque immigrant ancestor that you would like to share, please let me know! Clearly, this project needs some more work...
Basque clubs
There are Basque clubs all over the world, many of which have a pressence on the internet. This isn't meant to be a comprehensive list, just a list of those clubs I've come across. The list will be expanded as I encounter other clubs (though, I have pilfered links from the Juan de Garay site...)
- Argentina
- Australia
- Canada
- Europe
- South and Latin America
- Euskal Etxea, Brasil
- Euzko Etxea, Santiago, Chile
- Centro de Estudios Vascos de Antioquia, Colombia
- Centro Vasco Colombia
- Vascos Mexico AC
- Euskaletxea, Centro Vasco, Lima, Peru
- Centro Vasco Venezolano de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela
- Centro Vasco de Caracas, Venezuela
- United States
History of the Diaspora
The Basques have contributed to the history of many countries around the world and these links and articles try to document some of that history.
- Argentina
- Canada
- Colombia
- United States
- Other Parts of the World
Basque Genealogy
Genealogy is a growing passion for many Americans, including Basque-Americans. There are a number of resources online to help in your research of your Basque ancestors. Hopefully, these links help just a little.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!