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Basque Families of Antioquia, Colombia
Surnames beginning with C by Pieter Hartog
The following is an extract from Colombian publications on this
subject, and does not only cover pure Basque families but as well
families from adjacent provinces from the Spanish Kingdom.
Following families are considered nowadays "Antioqe\361an" or "Paisa",
as typical from the department of Antioquia (Colombia). Note that
close to a 100% of these families entered the territory of nowadays
Colombia through the port of Cartagena de las Indias. In a seperate
e-mail I will give you some info on families who did not travel
further into Colombia, but stayed in Cartagena or closeby located
coastal cities or townships.
Ignacio de Casta�eda, born in Bilbao around 1645-1650, was the first of
this family to arrive in Antioquia.
He was the son of Juan de Casta�eda Isla (son of Sebasti�n de Casta�eda x
Ursula de Isla) x Mar�a Ortiz de Ugalde (daughter of Diego Ugalde de
Salazar y Lagarcha x Agustina de Escuza)
He married around 1675 in Santaf� de Antioquia Gertrudis de Atehort�a
(daughter of Antonio de Atehort�a x Francisca Zapata). Out of this
1) Maria Javiera de Casta�eda x Antonio Londo�o
2) Ignacio de Casta�eda x Javiera Londo�o (sister of Antonio Londo�o)
3) Javier de Casta�eda
Ignacio de Casta�eda died before 1688, as his widow was then married with
Pedro del Mazo (see also family ATEHORT�A).
Further no info at hand on any descendants out of the marriage between
Ignacio de Casta�eda x Javiera Londo�o.
Martin Chavarriaga, originally from Usurbil in Vizcaya, was the founder of
the Chavarriaga family in Antioquia.
There is no information available on his parents or grandparents.
He married in Medell�n on October 8th 1668 with Josefa Alvarez del Pino,
widow of Jos� Mej�a de Tobar.
I) Mart�n Chavarriaga x (Medell�n) Josefa Alvarez del Pino
II)a. Juan Bautista Chavarriaga Alvarez x (Medell�n, September 29th 1700)
Catalina Echag�e (daughter
of Jos� Echag�e y Andia x Gregoria de Angulo)
III)a. Francisco Javier Chavarriaga x Juana de Puerta
III)b. Salvador Chavarriaga x (1) (Medell�n) Angela Mej�a (daughter of
Jos� Mej�a x Ignacia Restrepo)
IV)a. Jos� Antonio Chavarriaga x (1) (Medell�n) Maria Antonia
Micaela Agudelo - Jos� Antonio
Chavarriaga died in Medell�n after July 17th 1825 (date of
last will)
V)a. Angela Mar�a Chavarriaga x Jos� Henao
x (2) Maria Antonia
Cuartas (daughter of Juan Lorenzo Cuartas x
Ana Mar�a
V)b. Josefa Chavarriaga x Francisco Tirado
V)c. Jos� Antonio Chavarriaga x Petronila Posada
(widow)(daughter of Manuel Posada x
Luisa Restrepo)
V)d. Nicol�s Chavarriaga x B�rbara C�rdenas (daughter of
Jacinto C�rdenas x Andrea Jim�nez)
V)e. Juana Chavarriaga x Jorge C�rdenas Jim�nez (brother of
B�rbara C�rdenas)
V)f. Juan Francisco Chavarriaga x Candelaria Montoya (daughter
of Jos� Mar�a Montoya x
Mar�a Ignacia Mora)
VI)a. Braulio Chavarriaga
VI)b. Antonio Chavarriaga x Mar�a del Carmen V�lez
VII)a. Magdalena Chavarriaga x Pablo Emilio Escobar
VII)b. Amelia Chavarriaga x Luis Mar�a Escobar
VII)c. Elvira Chavarriaga x Gustavo Greiff
VII)d. Francisco Antonio Chavarriaga
VII)e. El�as Chavarriaga
V)g. Micaela Chavarriaga x Salvador Molina
V)h. Ana Joaquina Chavarriaga x Rafael Torres
V)i. Juan de Dios Chavarriaga x Bernabela Tirado (daughter of
Esteban Tirado x Mar�a Antonia
D�vila) Note: daughter out of this marriage married with
a brother of her grandfather, see
IV c., 4th marriage!
IV)b. Miguel Chavarriaga x Teresa Mesa (daughter of Crist�bal Mesa
x Angela T�bon)
IV)c. Lorenzo Chavarriaga x (1) Joaquina Gallo (daughter of Agust�n
Gallo x Maria Antonia Medina)
(2) Mar�a del Socorro
Acosta (daughter of Antonio Acosta x Ignacia
(3) Isabel Ortega (widow of
Pablo Arango G�mez)
(4) Juliana Chavarriaga
(daughter of Juan de Dios Chavarriaga x
Bernabela Tirado)
IV)d. Francisco Chavarriaga x Micaela Gonz�lez D�vila (daughter of
Carlos Gonz�lez x Gertrudis
IV)e. Maria Ignacia Chavarriaga x Vicente Toro (son of Jos� Toro x
B�rbara Fern�ndez)
IV) f. Micaela Chavarriaga x Antonio Hurtado (son of Manuel Hurtado
x Micaela Ponce de Le�n)
IV)g. Luisa Chavarriaga x Javier Sampedro (daughter of Juan
Sampedro x Ignacia G�mez)
x (2) (Medell�n) Rosal�a Toro
(daughter of Ignacio Toro x Mar�a Antonia Franco)
IV)h. Mar�a de Jes�s Chavarriaga x Miguel Ribera
IV) i. Cecilia Chavarriaga x (1) Francisco T�bon
(2) Joaquin G�mez
IV) j. Mar�a de la Luz Chavarriaga x Santos Montoya (she was
married three times, but we only
know the name of the first husband)
III)c. Miguel Jer�nimo Chavarriaga x Ignacia Gonz�lez
III)d. Gregoria Ignacia Chavarriaga x Francisco Calder�n de la Barca
III)e. Francisca Chavarriaga x (1) Diego L�pez Mej�a
x (2) Juan Jos� Ribas
III) f. Juana Rosa Chavarriaga x N. Monsalve
III)g. Antonia Chavarriaga x Manuel Ponce de Le�n
II)b. Gertrudis Chavarriaga x Antonio de Mesa (son of Juan Bautista de
Mesa x Antonia Alvarez del Pino)
II)c. Ana Mar�a Chavarriaga x Jos� de Lezcano Urnieta
So far surnames starting with a "B". Next time letter "C".
All the best
Pieter Hartog
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Eskerrik asko!