buber.net > Basque > Euskara > Days and Months in Euskera
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Days and Months in Euskera
The information above was taken from postings by John Robertson and Jon Urrestilla.
The above meanings for the months were based upon information collected by John Robertson from Igone Arteagoitia (Georgetown University) and Inigo San Gil (Second year graduate student: PhD candidate at the Mechanical Engineering Department, Yale University). The Nillson meanings are from the following writings by Martin Nillson. "The months refer throughout to vegetation and to agriculture" (pp. 283-284). Based on information from: Primitive Time-Reckoning, A Study in the Origins and First Development of the Art of Counting Time among the Primitive and Early Culture Peoples by Martin P. Nilsson, professor of Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Lund, Sweden, 1920. Additionally, the separate section for a comparison of various languages which mean: "sun," "moon," "month," "week" and "seven". Basque equivalents for "Sun" = eki, eguzki + variants (fem. [?]); "Moon" = ilargi, argizari, ilazki (ilaski), & goiko + variants of the first two (fem.[?]); "Month = ila; "Week" = aste; "Seven" = zazpi.
If anyone has any corrections, comments, or additions to the information above, please contact me, Blas Uberuaga, at blas@buber.net, or John Robertson at senior.scribe@wiesbaden.netsurf.de
This information was found in various postings by John Robertson and Jon Urrestilla.