buber.net > Basque > Euskara > Basque Idioms
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- Noiz behinka. Noizean behin.
Once in a while.
Lit.: Sometimes once.
- Jakina! Noski!
Sure. Of course.
Lit.: (It's something) known.
- Astebete barru.
In a week.
Lit.: Inside a whole week.
- Diruz josia (josita).
A wealthy one.
Lit.: Sewn with money.
- Gaur hamabost.
In two weeks.
Lit.: Fifteen (from) today.
- Hor (begira) egon beharrean.
Instead of standing here (looking at)
Lit.: In the need of being there.
- Egunetik egunera.
- Hori ez da atzo (gaur) goizekoa.
That's very old.
Lit.: That isn't something from today (yesterday).
- Mendiz mendi. Mendirik mendi.
From a mountain to other.
- Ez egiteko(ren) bat egin.
To commit some terrible thing.
Lit.: To do something that should not be done.
- Aspaldi honetan.
Recently. Lately.
Lit.: In this last period of time.
- Bai ote?
Lit.: Yes perhaps?
Osatu Esaldiok, Goiko Esakerak Erabiliz Eta Moldatuz
(Replace the dots by a expression from the above)
- Igandero ... ibiltzen gara; ostiralero, berriz,
etxean gelditu.
- Lehenago askotan joaten nintzen aito-amonen baserrira;
... ordea, ez naiz izan.
- ... tuntunagotzen ari haiz, motel!
- Onassis ... bizi zen.
- Ez dut erretzeko ohiturarik; ... Davidoffen bat,
eta kitto!
- Gure mutiko honek egunen batean ... egingo digu!
- Amonatxo hori ere ez da ...
- Jaisten banauk, asti-astin egingo haut - ...
- Etor adi laguntzera, besoak gurutzatuta ...
- - Halakoak kriston istripua izan dik.
- ... , beti muturrak hautsi beharrean ibiltzen duk.
- Gaur Abenduak 17 dugu. ... Gabonak;
... , berriz, Urte zahar.
(To be continued)
All corrections are highly encouraged.
This series is selected and translated without permission from:
"Esamoldeak- Euskalduntzeko ariketak"
(Idioms- Exercices to
become a Basque speaker)
written by Maizpide Euskaltegiko Irakasleak,
Gerriko Argitaletxea, Lazkao 1989.
Translated by F. Javier Herrera
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!