buber.net > Basque > Euskara > Basque Fricative Sounds
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Jon asked for a phonetic description of the Basque fricatives, and since
the toerh reply wasn't precise enough for my taste, I thought I would
offer an alternative.
Articulatorily, orthographic {s} is produced by putting the tip of the
tongue against the back of the teeth, without touching (in other words, it
is an apico-deltal fricative; apical = made with the apex or tip of the
tongue). The phonetic symbol is an [s'], that is s with an accent mark or
a little tooth-like mark underneath. This is the {s} sound of Castilian
Spanish, but NOT of other varieties of Spanish.
Moving back in the mouth, orthographic {z} is produced farther back in the
mouth: the blade of the tongue against the alveolar ridge of the palate,
without touching (in other words, it is a lamino-alveolar fricative;
lamino - made with the blade of the tongue; alveolar = the ridge at the
top of the mouth). This sound is basically the same as the English (and
non-Castilian Spanish) {s} and {c} (before e and i). The phonetic symbol
is a plain [s].
Moving further back, orthographic {x} is produced even further back,
against the post-alveolar part of the palate, between the alveolar ridge
and the roof of the mouth. Thus it is a postalveolar fricative. This is
equivalent, pretty much, to English {sh} and French {ch} (this sound hasn
t been used in most varieties of Spanish for several centuries, since it
mutated into the sound of {j} (or {g} before e and i)) (phonetic symbol
[x]). The phonetic symbol is either an elongated [S] in the International
Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) or an s with a hatchek (little v) on top in the
American tradition of transcription.
As it was already said, in Bizkaian /s/ and /s'/ have merged into /s'/.
Now here is an interesting thing. Acoustically, though not
articulatorily, the [s'] {s} and the [S] {x} are quite similar (that is,
they sound somewhat alike) which is why a lot of people who hear Basque
people speak in either Basque or Spanish think they use English {sh}
instead of {s}.
Anyway, this is probably more than anyone on the list cares to know, and
it may not even be very clear to most people, but that s what you get when
you ask a linguist. Fascinating stuff, isn t it?
Best, Jon Aske
Jon Aske
e-mail: jaske@abacus.bates.edu
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!