buber.net > Basque > Euskara > Basque Onomatopoeias
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- Ezkilak bilin-balan/blin-blan ari dira.
Bells are pealing.
- Bilin-balan/blin-blan erori da.
S/he has tumbled over and over.
- Tilin-talan, tilin-talanka, tilinko-talanko.
Big bell peal or
to-and-fro motion or
wandering about.
- Tilinga.
(A) swing.
- Elurra blasta-blasta joan zen.
Snow thowed and disappeared.
- Ura bilist-balast(*) zebilen ontzi inguruan.
There was a splashing around the boat.
(*)Variations: blist-blast, pilist-palast, pilisti-palasta,
- Blast(*) eman zion.
S/he slapped him/her on the face.
(*)Variations: plast, blastada, blaustada.
- Plisti-plasta eman zion.
S/he slapped him/her on the face repeatedly.
(To be continued)
All corrections and contributions are highly encouraged.
This series is selected, translated and adapted to current orthography
without permission from: "Estudio sobre el euskera hablado" (A study
about spoken Basque) written by Fr.Diego J.de Alzo, Donostia 1961.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!