buber.net > Basque > Euskara > Useful Basque Phrases
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Greetings to start with:
In any moment & familiar:
- Eup!
(Sometimes, yeup! eepa! yepa! &c., it depends according to area and
the people itself)
It's the common way to greet somebody as passing along the street.
- Kaixo!
It's used to greet a friend before starting to talk with her/him.
Its origin is probably Spanish "Que hay, 'zu'?" How are you?
- [Kaixo] aspaldiko!
This add something like it's long from tha last time. The tonic
uses to be on the -di-.
- Kaixo, motel [neska] [lagunok] [adiskide]!
The word after the 'kaixo' is referred to the recipient of the
greetings: a closer male friend [motel], a female friend [neska],
a group of people, friends or colleagues [lagunok] and a friend
in general [adiskide].
- More formal, including the part of the day:
- Egunon!
Good morning!
- Arratsaldeon!
This could vary according to area to 'Arrastion!' &c.
Good evening!
- Gabon!
Good night!
From 'gau on' where 'gau' means night
- Egunon denoi!
Good morning you all!
- Egunon degizula [degizuela] Jainkoak!
God provide you [you all] a good day.
Not much used
- Answers to B
- Baita zuri [hiri] [zuei] ere!
I (hope) the same to you [a relative or close friend] [you all]
- Berdin!
Lit. in the same way (to you).
- Gauza bera!
Lit. the same thing.
- Hala zuri ere!
Lit. in the same way (to you).
(To be continued)
All corrections are highly encouraged.
This series is selected and translated without permission from:
"Esamoldeak- Euskalduntzeko ariketak"
(Idioms- Exercices to
become a Basque speaker)
written by Maizpide Euskaltegiko Irakasleak,
Gerriko Argitaletxea, Lazkao 1989.
Translated by F. Javier Herrera
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!