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buber.net > Basque > Music > Song > Battle of Beotibar
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Battle of Beotibar

by Benito Lertxundi

Beotibarko zelaiak, lehen ilunak, gaur alaiak.
Beotibarko harkaitzetan frantsesak gure oinetan.

(Meadows of Beotibar, dark in the past, happy now.
In the rocks of Beotibar, the French at our feet)

Harro asko sartu ziran, umil asko irten dira.
Oinaz agintari handia, zuretzat gure bizia.

(Many arrogants come into, many humbles went out.
Oinaz great leader, for you our life.)

Nora zoaz Oinaz Jauna, frantses jendearengana?
Elur-maluta ugaria, ugariago etsaia.

(Where are you going, Lord Oinaz, to the French people?
Abundant snowflakes, more abundant foes.)

Larrean emaztetxoak, begiak malkoz bustiak:
Zatoz lehen bailehen etxera, bestela galdu zera.

(In the fields the young wives, their eyes wet in tears:
Come back to home, quickly, else you're done for)

Aurrera, mutil maiteak, etxera doilorkumeak.
Hil hemen edo garaitu, esaten du Oinaz Jauna.

(Come on, dear boys, cowards go home.
Die here or win, says Lord Oinaz.)

Nor gelditzen da atzean, Oinaz ikusita aurrean?
Zu zera nere nagusi, zurekin hil edo bizi.

Who remains in the rear, seeing Oinaz in the front?
You're my chief, with you die or live.)

Joan dira hemendik betiko, ez dira inoiz etorriko.
Gure euskaldun mendiak ez besterentzat gaziak.

(They've gone forever, they won't come back again.
Our Basque mountins won't be for others.)

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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!