buber.net > Basque > Music > Song > Euskaldunberriaren Mazurka
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Euskaldunberriaren Mazurka
(Txanbela, "Doinurik doinu", 1987)
Gure euskara
mendi itsasotik hirira ekarri
bertso bi
euskaldun berri horri
Gure euskaran
zuri beltz ari naiz juan da etorri
nor nori
biba hi
euskaldun berri hori
Gure euskarak
normaltasuna "vasco" erdaldunari
hel hadi
euskaldun berriari
Gure euskaraz
eskola karrika etxe ta lantegi
esker bi
gaur hiri
euskaldun berriari
Astapenetik martxa eman
hire bizi osoari
euskaraz mintza hadi
Astapenetik lehen hitza
tono egokian jarri
hi ta biok kantari
Astapenetik neurri zehatz
eta doinu aukerari
has hadi
hi ta ni bertsolari
Astapenetik hordagoka
zaharren enbidoari
puntu bi
altxa hi
euskararen gudari
Our language
take it from the mountains and the sea to the cities
two verses
for you
new Basque person
In our language
white, black, I am, go, and come
who to whom
long live you
new Basque person
Our language
normality for the non-Basque speaker
Basque Country
to the new Basque person
In our language
in schools, streets, homes, and workplaces
today to you
to the new Basque person
From the beginning give rhythm
to your whole life
to the one who was
to the one who is
speak our language
From the beginning the first word
with the proper tone
to the topic
tell stories
you and I are both singers
From the beginning the right measure
and sound you must choose
to the rhyme
start now
you and I are both troubadours
From the beginning take up
the challenge of the old
two points
you soldier of our language
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!