Paris zaharreko kaleen umela
nire eskua zure sakela
ezin berotuz giroaren jela
ezin zela
bete sabela
galde uxoei bestela.
Trocadero-ko indar iturriak
Sena ibaiko brisa bustiak
latin auzoko taberna guztiak
arraza oro nahasiak
Metroko jende hotzarekin ezin
inolako harremanik egin
txiro ta lapur abilekin berdin
emagal izkin
bihotz gabe eta ziztrin
Egin genuen halere zer onik
ez pentsa dena okerra zenik
ez zegonean eguzki argirik
bai zuk ta bai nik
jaso gendun maitasunik.
Mugginess in the streets of old Paris
my hand in your pocket
unable to warm up the iciness of the weather
unable to
fill up the stomach
ask the pigeons otherwise.
The power fountains of Trocadero
the wet breeze of the Seine
all the taverns in the Latin Quarter
full to the hilt
all races mixed together
With the cold people of the subway
unable to have any kind of contact
same thing with the beggars and the thieves
in the middle of Pigalle
prostitutes at the corner
heartless and insignificant
But we did do nice things,
don't think that everything was terrible
when there sun wasn't out
from the moon
both you and I
we found love.