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buber.net > Basque > Music > Song > Haizea Dator Ifarraldetik
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Haizea Dator Ifarraldetik

Haizea dator ifarraldetik, hego berotik ekaitza,
ez da nabari lanbro artean asaba zaharren baratza...
eguneroko lagunak ditut beldurra eta zalantza,
ardo txar honek eragiten dit noraezeko balantza.

Itzal gaiztoak isurtzen dira mendi hegaletan behera
argi apalak badoaz laster bat-batean itzaltzera...
izen zehatzak uzten ditugu erortzen zulo beltzera,
prestatzen gera etxe hustua arrotz guziei saltzera.

Etxea hustuz badoa ere noizbait bazuen biztunik,
ez dut onartzen ordez datorren maizter aldrebes hiztunik...
nahi ez badugu denon artean eraman karga astunik
gurdi okerra zuzen lezakeen dotrinarikan ez dut nik.

Agur oihanak, agur itsaso, atariko lizardia
imajinetan izkutatzen zait hurbileko izadia
odolarekin pozointzen dugu herri baten izerdia
irrintzi gorriz auzika dator irabazleen zaldia.
The air is coming from the north, from the hot south the storm,
the fog doesn't let one see the garden of the old ancestors
fear and doubt I have as my everyday companions,
this bad wine is causing me to stagger aimlessly

Dark shadows flow down the sides of the mountains
dim lights are dying away rapidly
we're letting exacting words fall into a black hole,
we're getting ready to sell the empty house to any stranger

Although the house is becoming empty, at one time it did have inhabitants
I do not accept the new tenants' twisted chatter
if we don't want to share this heavy load together
I don't have the sacred words that could straighten the crooked cart

Goodbye forests, goodbye sea, ash tree grove by the front door
in images the nearby creation hides from me
with blood we poison the sweat of a people
with naked cries comes prosecuting the victors' horse.

This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!