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buber.net > Basque > Music > Song > Imajinatzen Zaitut
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Imajinatzen Zaitut

(Mikel Markez)

Imajinatzen zaitut etxetik irteten
erdi lo, erdi lo,
bizitzaz ezer ez dakiten liburuak
eta bihotzean
bart gauean
sortu ziren taupadak ezin eutsiz,
taupadak ezin eutsiz, ezin geldituz.

Imajinatzen zaitut kadiran exertzen
erdi lo, erdi lo,
zure eskuak automatikoki
eta bihotzean
bart gauean
odolberoz puztutako oroitzapenak ezin eutsiz,
oroitzapenak ezin eutsiz, ezin geldituz.

Imajinatzen zaitut noizbait etortzen
erdi lo, erdi lo,
eta ni zain liburuak itsasora
gure bihotzean
gaur gauean
berriro elkartuko gaituen denbora ezin eutsiz,
berriro aldenduko gaituen denbora ezin eutsiz, ezin geldituz.
I imagine you leaving the house,
half asleep, half asleep,
with those books which don't know anything about life
under the arm,
and unable to bear/withstand/resist those strong feelings that
grew in your heart last night,
unable to withstand them, unable to stop them.

I imagine you sitting on your chair
half asleep, half asleep,
your hand automatically
and unable to resist those memories that swelled in your heart
last night in the heat of passion,
unable to resist those memories, unable to stop them.

I imagine you coming sometime
half asleep, half asleep,
and I am waiting, ready to throw those books to the sea
unable to wait for the time that will bring us together again,
tonight, in our hearts,
unable to bear the time that will separate us again, unable to
stop myself.

This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
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