Gazte gaztetandikan
herritik kanpora,
estranjeri aldean
pasa det denbora.
Herrialde guztietan
toki onak ba dira,
baina bihotzak dio
"zoaz Euskalherrira".
Agur nere bihotzeko
amatxo maitea!
Laster etorriko naiz
kontsola zaitea.
Gertabeharrak nahi du
ni urez joatea;
ama, zertarako da
negar egitea?
Lur maitea hemen uztea
da negargarria.
Hemen gelditzen dira
ama ta herria.
Urez noa ikustera,
bai, mundu berria;
oraintxe, bai, naizela
Since I was very young
I left my home and country.
In foreign lands
I have spent my time.
All lands
are good places to be in
but my heart tells me:
go back to Euskalherria.
Goodbye, my beloved mother,
I'll come back soon
to lighten your heart.
Destiny wants
me to leave by sea,
so what's the use, mother,
of crying?
To leave my dear country
is something that breaks my heart.
Here shall remain
mother and country.
I'm leaving by sea
to experience new worlds.
Now I really am
worthy of pity.