Zeruan daude izarrak
ihartu dira lizarrak
euskaldunon kexa zaharrak
etengabeko negarrak
Goiztiriaren aiduru
gauean dager leinuru;
haren gomuta sakonak
nahasten nau bihotz ta buru
Itsasoa dago laino
Baionako barraraino
erresumin etsitu hau
ez da itzali oraino
Uhinen joan-etorria
Bidasoaren hesia
euskaldunon bihotzean
zornaturiko zauria
Itsasoa laino dago
Baionako barraraino
Nik zu zaitut maitiago
arraitxoak ura baino
The sky is full of stars,
the ash trees are all dried up,
the old worries of the Basques
are like an endless cry.
Waiting for the dawn
a light appears in the night
the depth of its memory
bewilders my heart and soul
The sea is covered with fog
all the way to the pier in Baiona
this desperate constant burning inside
is something I cannot shake off.
The rising and lowering of the tides,
the border at the Bidasoa
in the heart of Basques
is like a festering wound.