buber.net > Basque > Notes > Picture Credits
General Images
- Basque Coat of Arms. Euskal Etxeak 27.
- "Painted" Ikurrina. Euskal Etxeak 20.
Main Basque Page
- Map of Euskadi. Euskal Etxeak 20.
- Hondarribia. Sent to me by Marta.
- Donostia. Taken by Blas.
- First words in Basque. Taken by Blas.
- Jai Alai player. Euskal Etxeak 18.
- Inaki Perurena. Euskal Etxeak 13.
- Ikurrina dance. Euskal Etxeak 23.
- Negu Gorriak emblem. From Negu Gorriak Homepage.
- Olentzero lyrics. Sent to me by Unai.
A Photo Gallery
Buber's Euskara Page
- First words in Basque. Taken by Blas.
Sports and Games
- Pelota: General Introduction
- Jai Alai players. Euskal Etxeak 18.
- Pelota: Types of Pelota
- Jai Alai player. Euskal Etxeak 18.
- Handball player. Euskal Etxeak 4-5.
Traditions and Folklore
- Traditional Dances of the Basque Country
- Ikurrina dance. Euskal Etxeak 23.
- The Makila
- Makila. Sent to me by Marta.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!