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Here is some news about recent events in Euskal Herria
related to the championship of basque pelota in
At the last world championship of Basque pelota in Cuba,
the Basque team was allowed to march independently from
the Spanish team. The Basque team was also allowed
to carry the ikurrina. This year the Basque team also
wanted to march representing Euskadi and not the Spanish
State but it was not allowed. Consequently, Kultur
Gizakera was created to vindicate the presence of a Basque
team in the world championships of Basque pelota. This
popular platform, defined as cultural and nonpolitical,
was the initiative of the sculptor Jorge Oteiza. Kultur
Gizakera has gained the support of people in the arts
and sports such as Andoni Egana, Mikel Laboa, Jesus Mari
Zamora, Ainhoa Arteta, Jose Luis Zumeta, Xabier Elorriaga
and Bernardo Atxaga.
With the slogan "Euskadi gabe Mundialik ez", Kultur Gizakera
has started a campaign collecting signatures and organizing
events in Donibane Lohizune with the traditional Angelus,
a popular dinner, bertsolaris and the performance of
Txomin Artola among many other artists.
About the Basque ball game:
There are different ways of playing Basque pelota: with the hand,
a bat,
"remonte" and "cesta", which are types of baskets, and "trinquete" and
"share", two kinds of rackets. There are different kinds of
pelota courts where this sport is played.
Zesta Punta
- is played with a wicker basket approximately 63
to 70 cms long. The ball weighs about 125 grs and is covered
with parchment skin. This kind of pelota is played in a fronton
called Jai-Alai and is characterized by the speed of the pelota.
- is played with the bare hand and three types
of balls: soft (gotxua), medium and hard.
This kind of pelota is played either singles or doubles.
- a tennis racquet is used with a
cordage slightly reinforced and the ball is hollowed and
weighs 45 grs. Frontenis is played in a fronton of 30 m
and it has both men's and women's categories.
Paleta, Pala Korta:
Paleta-Pelota Kuero
- the paleta is 50 cm long and weighs about
550 grs. The ball, which is covered with leather, weighs 52 grs.
This game is played in a fronton of 36 m.
Pala Korta
- the pala is 50 cm long, 10 cm wide and weighs
700 grs. The ball is very fast and is covered with a parchment
that weights 90 grs. This game is played in a fronton of 36 m.
Paleta-Pelota Goma
- the paleta is 50 cms long, 20 cms wide and
weighs 450 grs. The ball is made of rubber and weights 40 grs.
Both categories, men's and women's, are played in a foreyard and
in a fronton of 30 m.
- the racquet is also called Argentine racquet and it
consists of chestnut ring 55 cms long and 16 cms wide and a
net that allows the receiving and sending of the ball without
keeping or hitting it. The ball weighs 80 grs and is covered
with parchment. This is a very fast game and is played in a
For more information consult:
Basque Pelota Federation
Apdo. 246,
Durango (Bizkaia)
Tel. 94 681 81 08
Fax. 94 681 84 71
The four cities in Ipar Euskal Herria where the World Championship
of Pelota is taking place are: Donibane-Lohizume, Hendaia, Ascain,
and Sempere.
(P) by Anzi
(Sorry for this poor translation!)
Corrections are welcome.
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!