buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Abaroa
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ABAROA There are farms with this name in Bizkaia. In
Pedernales-Sukarrieta there are 7 houses or farms with this name ( Abaroa,
Abaroa-barrena, Abaroa-etxebarria, Abaroa-goikoa etc..). There are also
farms with this name in Nabarniz and Sopelana. There have been branches in
Mundaka, Lekeitio, Amoroto etc (all in Bizkaia) and there was a branch in
Meaning: Grove or wooded ground, a place to refuge cattle
Coat of Arms : There are various, but as the requester says that his family
came from Bermeo, I transcribe the coat of the Abaroa of Mundaka: En
plata, tres arboles de sinople terrasados de lo mismo y puestos en
situacion de faja; en el jefe dos llaves de azur puestas en aspa, con los
ojos boca abajo y liadas de gules.
Please contact
Steve Abaroa, sabaroa@yahoo.com
if you are an Abaroa as well.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!