buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Aberasturi
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There is a little village with this name in Araba, close to Vitoria-Gasteiz
(in the south-east of Gasteiz). This surname is documented since 1313.
In Bizkaia there is a farm, or baserri, with this name in Gautegiz de
Arteaga, and another called Aberasturizar (The old house Aberasturi) in
There are also branches or houses with this name in Orotz (Nafarroa),
Ordizia-Villafranca de Oria (Gipuzkoa), and Zuberoa.
There is a proof of nobility of somebody with this surname in Valladolid
1533. (When a Basque went to live in Spain, he proved his nobility in
Valladolid's Court to obtain the same privileges as the Spanish nobles; to
prove nobility it was only necesary to prove 4 generations of Basque
Meaning: There are many theories, but I think the clearest and simplest is
ABERATS: meaning reach, or also cattle (sheeps, cows, horses...), in the same
way that PECUNIA in Latin means the both things;
URI: meaning town, or
group of houses
Thus, the meaning is Rich Town, or Cattlemen Town (I prefer
the second). There are other theories but I think they are stupid.
Coat of arms: En oro, tres bandas de gules, mas tarde se le anadio una
bordura lisa de plata.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!