buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Aguerre (agerre)
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AGUERRE (AGERRE) Jaime Kerexeta says in his Diccionario Onomastico y
Heraldoco Vasco, that the origin of this surname is Donamaria in Nabarra,
with branches in Nabarra (Gaztelu, Irun, Zia, Olkoz, Beasoain, Bera), in
Gipuzkoa (Legazpia) in BEBABARRA: Ostabat (the main), Mixa, and Eleta.
Laburdi and Bizkaia. I am not sure in the Kerexeta's version of the
branches, because this is a tipical name of many basque houses, so is
possible that there is not conection between ones and others
Is probably the same name than Agirre, but in a west version
Meaning: the name come from the word AGER or AGIR, and means manifest,
clear, evident..... the sense is: House very visible, without trees, and
probably in a high.
Places in Benabarra with families surnamed Aguerre: Somberraute,
Amendeuix-Oneix, Behasque (1544),Bustince, St. Palais, St. Esteben, Helette
1539, Iholdy, Ostabat-Asme (1604), Juxue, Larceveau, Luxe, Uhart-Cize
There are also families in Laburdi and in other basque provinces.
I have found Coat of Arms from the Aguerre of AZME (Asme), Ostabat, and
Mixe, if you want I will describe them for you
En DonamarM-ma, Navarra, y de aquM-m en Gaztelu (DonamarM-ma), IrM-zn, Zia
(Gulina), Olkoz, Beasoain (Ollo), y Bera de Bidasoa (en Navarra), en
Legazpia (Guipuzcoa), en Yoldi, y Ostabat. TambiM-in en Azme, Laburdi y
Una variaciM-sn de Aguirre.
Las Armas de Donamaria, Gaztelu, Zia y de Yoldi:
En oro, un M-arbol de sinople y un lobo de sable, pasante, al pie del
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Eskerrik asko!