buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Akordagoitia
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AKORDAGOITIA Akorda is a small village, in the municipalitie of
Ibarrangelua, there are in this villages some houses named Akorda Aurrekoa,
Akorda, beazkoa, Akorda, Etxebarria, Akorda goikoetxea etc..........so
Akorda is the name of the house and the owners add other word to make the
names different from a house to another, Goikoetxea means the house in the
high, Etxebarria is the new house etc....., there are some houses Akorda in
a village close to Ibarrangelua named Ereno (with egne): Akorda Etxebarria,
Akorda Goitia, and Akorda Beitia, basque families took their names from the
house they lived, so it is clear that your familie lived in the house
Akorda Goitia, and took their name, the meaning is The house Akorda in the
High part, Akorda beitia means the house Akorda in the Down part.
The meaning of Akorda is not very clear. Oyhamburu says that is composed by
ARRI and KORTA, arri means stone or stony, and KORTA can be communal land,
but also can be stable. I prefer the meaning: Stony communal land
Coat of arms: En oro, un losanje de gules, cargado de cuatro estrellas de
plata, puestas dos y dos, sobre ondas, de agua de azur y plata, y cantonado
de cuatro panelas de azur.
There are Akordagoitia families in: Bilbao, Gernika, Ispazter, Zamudio and
The surname have the variations: Acordagoitia, Acordagoity, and with the
modern basque ortographic rules is Akordagoitia
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!