buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Akutain
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AKUTAIN the origin of this surname is located in Idiazabal, in the quarter
of Mendigorria (Gipuzkoa), there are two houses with the name Acutain-Azpi,
and Acutain-Garakoa ( Downer Akutain , and Upper Akutain), there are a
branche in Irun (Gip)
There is also in Idiazabal a house named ACITAIN, and J. Kerexeta says that
ACUTAIN is a derivation of ACITAIN ( can be or cannot be)
Proves of Nobility: In Idiazabal (1738), and Valladolid (1739)
Coat of arms:(in spanish), Cuartelado: 1st y 4th, en oro, un jabali, pasante
de sable; 2nd en gules un arbol de su color, acostado de dos panelas de oro;
3rd en plata un lobo pasante de sable.
Meaning: I have read that the meaning is blackberrys place, but I think is
not very believable, so We don,t know the meaning. AIN is a tipical sufix
of many basque surnames (Indurain,Zerain, Barasoain, Andoain,Beasain), but
is not clear if the origin of this sufix is basque or lathin, it appears
offenly with old personal names to make a derivative . So the only thing I
can say about the meaning is that I dont know. The Hipotesis of
ACUTAIN:AQUITAIN cannot be forgotten.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!