buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Amestoy
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AMESTOY The origin of this surname is Laburdi, and Gipuzkoa (there are
houses in Urnieta and Usurbil
Meaning: AMES or AMETS is the name of a Tree, simmilar to the oak, in
Spanish is called "Quejigo" and in Lathin is "Quercus Lusitanica", I don't
know the english name of it. TOY or DOI means the same than TI or DI, group
of trees
There are families with this name in the whole Basque Country (North and
South), but in Laburdi is more tipical, documented in Askain 1680, Itsasu
1735, Ainhoa 1749, Ziburu 1684, Sara 1653, Baiona 1891,
Variations of this surname: Amestoi, Amestoia,Amestoy (the more
usual),d'Amestoy,Amestoya,Ameztoy, d'Ameztoy, Damestoi, Damestoy, Dameztoy,
and de Mestoy (this last one documented in Iparralde in 1300).
Jaime Kerexeta think that is the same name than AMESTI (usual in Gipuzkoa)
Basque surnames are names of houses or farms (baserriak), there are good
works about the farms of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, but there are not works
about the ones of Iparralde
IHINTZIA: It is not clear the meaning of it: can be "rosee", but in
toponims is not normal this name so can be, "Water place" or "place of
rattans or rushes", other possibility is "walnut place".
Thomas Amestoy writes: We were always told our name meant something along these lines: "A lone tree
on a hill that can not be cultivated."
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!