buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Anasagasti
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This surname proceed from Mundaka (Basque region of Bizkaia)
and Segura (Basque Region of Gipuzkoa), but is not very clear its origin,
because I cannot find a farm with this name. Is documented that in 1477
lived in Onate (read Ognate) a man named Pero Anasagasti. I am from Biskay
and this surname is tippical from a Village in the Coast named Mundaka,
There was a house (not farm) in Mundaka with this name, but I think that in
this case the name only shows who was the owner. The meaning of the surname
is difficult to know SAGASTI can be Place of apple Trees (Sagar:apple,
sufix Di or Ti: group of trees) or Place of Willow trees (Sarats:Willow), I
think it is more probable the first one. The meaning of ANA is not clear,
can be pasture or grass. There is a surname SAGASTI, so can be that
Anasagasti were a variation of this. The prefix ANA appears in other basque
names, like Anakabe, Anabitarte etc...
There are two Coats of arms of Anasagasti, if you are interested I will
copy the description
The leader of the Basque National Party in the Spanish Parliament is Mr.
Inaki Anasagasti
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!