buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Ansotegi
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ANSOTEGI Anso was a name of person, is the same name than Sancho, and
TEGI, means place but in a sense of building, so the meaning of this
surname is "The house or the home of Anso or Sancho". There is other theory
that says that means" the cottage of the lambs" but I think is an stupid
There are (or there were) families with this surname in all the provinces
of the basque Country. In Bikaia There is a house or farm with this name in
ARRAZUA, and a Tower-House in St. Andres de Etxebarria, In Gipuzkoa in
Bergara, Elgeta and Donostia,
There were branches of this family in Bilbao, Elorrio,Mondragon, Aramaiona, =
There are many variations of this surname: ANSOATEGUI,ANCHOTEGUI,ANZOATEGI
etc etc...
Coat of arms :there are 3
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!