buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Antxustegi
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Mr. Jaime Kerexeta says that this surname is from
Bizkaia, there has been families with this surname in Amorebieta and
Bilbao, but after reading other books, I think that is a Mistake. There is
not in Bizkaia Houses with this name, and I have found two hauses or farms
in Gipuzkoa, the first one is in Aretxabaleta, in the quarter of Etxebarri,
and the other one in Eskoriaza in the quarter of Marin. A man named Tomas
Anchustegi proved his nobility in 1592 in Eibar (Gipuzkoa), so it is clear
than the Anchustegis of Bizkaia were branches of the original ones in
Gipuzkoa. The meaning of this name can be ANTXUR orINTXAUR: NUT, and
Coat of arms: I dont know to translate heraldic terms so I'll write it in
spanish: En azur, una cruz trebolada y hueca, de oro, cantonada de cuatro
panelas del mismo metal,Bordura de plata con ocho crecientes de gules.
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Eskerrik asko!