buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Aranburu
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ARANBURU The meaning of this surname is ARAN: Valey BURU: head, so the
real meaning is "The high part of the Valey"
The only way to have an answer is making a pedigree chart, but in any case,
the baptism records were created in 1570, so it use to be very dificult to
search back. There are basques in our Country since more than 7000 years,
and before this century there hasn't been usual marriages with non-basques
(this was because there are few non basque people around here).
Basques were all nobles, and they take as surname, the name of the house
in what they lived. So your bride�s family name, was originated in a farm
(baserri) named Aranburu. Aranburu is a common surname ans specialy in
Gipuzkoa there are a lot of houses with this name (in some cases is the
name of the house, in others is the name of the first owner). In the XVI
century the Trento Council oblished to make baptism records and to put to
the children the same surname as their fathers.
In Hondarrabia are two houses with the name Aranburu, and other two with
the name Aramburunea(the house of Aranburu)
1.- Aranburu, in the quarter of Olaberri-Arana, in Hondarribia
2.- Aranburu Txiki (little Aranburu), called Amuntxiki, quarter of
Jaizubia, Hond.
3.- Aranburunea, called Arbunia, quarter of Arkolla, in Hondarribia
4.- Aranburunea, called Arbunia, quarter of Jaizubia, in Hondarribia
I supose that the first one is the original (or the older) and the others
are derivations or branches of it . I have found in Gipuzkoa 39 houses with
this name, and is very dificult to know wich of them are original and wich
of them branches. There are a lot of proves of Nobility of men with this
surname .This proves were necesary to live in a city, or to be elected, or
to be civil servant or.... to prove nobility were only necesary to prove
that your ancestors were basques, or nobles.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!