buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Aravena
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ARAVENA Is a basque surname and the meaning is "The lower part of the
valey". But the only thing that the books say about it, is that there are
families in Uruguay and Argentina with this surname, variations of this
surname are: Arabena, Aravena, Arabera, Arabela, Arabehere. In Gipuzkoa
there is a house named Arabe (with the acent in the second A). There aren't
families with this surname in the basque Country today
Jaime Aravena sent me the following information:
Puedo agregar que en Chile es un apellido frecuente. Se
dice que el primer Aravena habria llegado alrededor de
1730 con el ejercito a la guerra de Arauco. Al haber una
pacificacion relativa (la guerra termina en 1882), recibe
tierras en la zona del rio Maule (35��sur) donde tuvo
numerosa descendencia con mujeres nativas.
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Eskerrik asko!