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buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Arestegi
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ARESTEGI The best Book (In my humble opinion) about Basque Names (surnames) is the "Diccionario Onomastico y Heraldico Vasco" written by Jaime Kerexeta, so I will try to translate what the author says about Arestegi:

Book: Diccionario Onomastico y Heraldico Vasco, Author: Jaime de Kerexeta Vol: 1, pg. 280
Arestegui (Arestegi): Robledal (areitz,aretx:roble, y sufijo loc. tegi, sitio de)
ESCUDO: En gules, una caldera de oro

Oak Trees Place (areitz, aretx: Oak, and sufix Tegi:place)
Coat of Arms: In a red field, a golden boiler or crater

The origin of this surname was probably the surname Aristegi, because neither in Bizkaia, nor in Gipuzkoa or Nafarroa exist any baserri (farm) with this name, there exist a baserri named Arestegieta in San Sebastian (Donostia). There exist various baserriak with the name Aristegui in Gipuzkoa (O�ate,Alegia, Legazpia,Ikastegieta and Ernani), and also exists a baserri Aristegi in the Baztan Valey (Nafarroa). The book of Mr. Kerexeta says that there is a family with this surname in Chili, and other family with the surname Aretegi in Uruguay

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Eskerrik asko!