buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Arizmendez
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ARIZMENDEZ Is a variation located in Mexico of the Surname ARIZMENDI, In
the books that I have consulted only exists this surname in Mexico, and it
don't exists in the Basque Country. Other possibility would be that there
were two surnames one of them basque: ARIZ, and the other spanish MENDEZ,
but I don't think this would be a satisfactory answer.
ARIZMENDI: ARIZ or ARITZ means Oak tree, and MENDI means mountain, so the
meaning is The mountain of the oaks.
There are houses with this name in Gipuzkoa (most of them), but also in
Bizkaia and in Nabarra.
I have found eight coats of arms, but it depends on what was the house of
your ancestors, and that is difficult to know without a genealogic tree.
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!