buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Arraiz
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ARRAIZ is the name of a small village (belongs to the municipality of
Ulzama) located in the north west of Pamplona (more or less 10 Kmts.),
Metauten is not in the Pyrenees, is located near Estella, in the south west
of Pamplona (more or less 18 kmts). Well, you know that our idea about
distances is very different than the American.
The origin of the surname is the place named Arraiz, there are two big
branches of this surname, one passed to Gipuzkoa (Idiazabal and Itsasondo),
and other went to Pamplona and Los Arcos in Nabarra, a branche variated the
surname to Arraez
Proves of Nobility: Gipuzkoa in 1690, Pamplona 1766,1793
Coat of Arms: En azur tres sirenas, de su color natural, de cabellos de oro
sobre ondas de agua de azur y plata, llevando cada una un espejo de plata
en la mano diestra y un peine de oro en la siniestra
Other Coat: en oro tres caballeros armados y surmontados de una rueda de gules
Meaning: ARRI means stone, and AITZ means rock, so probably the meaning of
this toponim is "The Rock" ,or stony place, although there are other
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!