buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Arretxe (arretche)
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ARRETXE (Arretche) There are houses Arretxe in Gipuzkoa, and also a House
Arretche in Baigorri (Basse Navarre).
The meaning is " House made of Stone", ARRI: Stone, ETXE: House, The basque
word ETXE with spanish ortography is ECHE (tipical of the South Basque
Country) and with French Ortography is Etche (tipical of Iparralde).
There are Arretche families in : Benabarra: Banka, Ezteren. Laburdi:
Baiona, Donibane Lohitzun (1625),Itsasu (1740)
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Eskerrik asko!