buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Arriaga
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ARRIAGA The meaning is ARRI: Stone, or Rock, AGA: place
There are many houses Arriaga in the Basque Country
GIPUZKOA: Berastegi (quarter of Urdinarain), Alza, Antzuola, Azpeitia
(Loiola), Irun, Elgoibar (quarter of Arriaga), Villabona (quarter Amasa),
In Onate there is a House Arriagakua (the house of Arriaga)
BIZKAIA: Ereno, Amorebieta, Berriatua, Manaria, Markina, menaka, Mungia,
Rigoitia, Barrika, Berriz, (In some of these villages there are more than
one Arriaga house)
NABARRA:Tafalla, Ustaroz (Ronkal Valey), Bera de Bidasoa
ARABA: Aiala, Lezama, Gasteiz.
There are branches in other villages, like Lekeitio in Bizkaia, without
house named Arriaga.
There is an Author that says that this lineage is descendant from a Knight
that in the times of the King Garcia "el Noble", conquered the Town of
Tafalla (to the mores) and founded there the Castle of Arriaga, and from
then, there went branches to different parts of the Basque Country and
Aragon (the history can be truth, but I don't believe the history about the
branches, because is a common toponim).
There have been knights of Santiago, Calatrava, Carlos III, and Malta with
this surname, There are a lot of proves of hidalguia (Nobility) of families
with this surname.
Coat of arms: there are a lot of them , but depends on the house
Note: the main theatre of Bilbao has the name Arriaga Theatre, the name is
dedicated to a great composer named Juan Crisostomo de Arriaga, he was very
good but died when he was 20 years old
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!