buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Arroki (arroquy)
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ARROKI (ARROQUY) Jaime Kerexeta says that the origin of this surname is in
ISABA, Baztan Valey (Nabarra), but he speaks about other surname ARROKIA,
from Liberri (Laburdi), and documented since 1340.
Meaning: K. Mitxelena think that is ARRI: stone, TOKI: place, so the
meaning would be Place of Stones. or also "The place of the rock"
Variations of this surname: Arroqui, D'Arroqui, Arroquia, Arroquy, Darroqui
The variation ARROQUY, exist in the Basque French Provinve of Basse Navarre
(St. Jean de Pied de Port or Donibane Garazi is the capital) in the village
of Ahaxe, also exist in Gascoigne: Dax, and in Argentina. Is documented in
1748 a family D'Arroquy in Aldudes (Basse Navarre)
The Variation DARROQUY: exist in the Provcince of Labourd (Laburdi), in
Baiona,Askain, Donibane-Lohitzun, Sara (1793), and in the Bearn .
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Eskerrik asko!