buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Arrondo
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ARRONDO There are two theories about the meaning
1.- ARRI=3DStone or Rock +ONDO: near to
2.- ARRO: Gorge or Gully +ONDO: near to
All the basque names, are names of houses, and the families took the name
of their houses, so the menaing is: (The house) close to the rock, or (The
house) close to the Gorge
Origin: There are two farms or houses (baserriak) with the name Arrondo one
is in the Valey of Oiartzun, and the other in Zerain, both in Gipuzkoa. Is
documented than in 1399 a man named Juan Martinez and Surnamed Arrondo,
lived in Ataun (Gipuzkoa), there are families with this surname in all the
basque country (north and South provinces). And also in Buenos Aires and
Coat of Arms:There are two: 1st. En sinople, dos arboles de su color,
perfilados de plata y unidos por una cadena del mismo metal. 2nd., En
Plata, un pino de sinople arrancado
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Eskerrik asko!