buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Ayatsbehers
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Ayatsbehers sound like basque, there is
a surname AYATS in Nabarra, Jaime Kerexeta speaks about AYATS in Gipuzkoa.
The sufix BERS, is common in many surnames of the French Basque Country,
and also the sufix or prefix BEHER, that can be "down" in the case of
Beher, or "the other" in the case of BERS, so the meaning of the surname
can be "The other house Ayats", or "the house Ayats of down". In the books
that I have about basque surnames, is not rated, but I am completely sure
that is a basque surname, without any doubt.
As is not rated in the books, I am very interested in knowing any discovery
you can do in a future about this surname.
AYATS can be a variation of AIARTZ, with the meaning of "Slope place",
other authors says that the meaning is "heath" or heather.
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!