buber.net > Basque > Surname > A > Azkue
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AZKUE is a tipical surname of Gipuzkoa, there are houses with this name
in: Oiarzun (quarter Ergoien), Berastegi, Ibarra(Tolosa), Hondarrabia,
Elgoibar (quarter San Roke), Aia (quarter Arruti-Egia), Zestona,,,,,,,,, I
think than the closest one to Mutriku is Elgoibar.
Mutriku is a very pretty nice village, and the only little village beginig
with L, round Mutriku is Lastur (other small villages round there are
Mendaro, Astigarribia, Azpilgoeta, Altzola,..), to go to Lastur you must go
from Mutriku to Deba, then to Itziar, and then to Lastur...I don't know if
is this the village, but I supose that they have cleaned the Plaza since
the last time you visited them (I am not sure of it).
Proves of Nobility and documented presence: In 1477 Juan Ruiz Azkue lived
in O=F1ate, Pedro Garcia Azkue lived in Zumaia in 1592, Gracian Azkue lived
in Antzuola in 1621, Martin Azkue in Berastegi in 1828, Juan Azkue-Aldalur
in Zestona 1650, Martin Azkue-Uztaeta in Asteasu, In Bilbao lived a Azkue
family in 1790.
Meaning: the first part AZ is AITZ: and the meaning is rock or boulder, the
secon element is GUNE or KU(N)E, and the meanig is zone, or place, so the
meaning of AZKUE is: (The house) in the rock place.
Today, this surname is extended in all the Basque Country.
The Azkue more famous in our history was Resurreccion Maria de Azkue, he
was a priest, founder and president of the Basque Language Academy, he has
been with Luis Mitxelena the greatest basque linguist, he was born in
There are 4 coats of arms of this surname, but no one of them has a Lion,
Two of them has an eagle and 2 dogs, other has dragon's heads, and the
other one has only a mountain, one has with the eagle and the dogs a Tower.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!