buber.net > Basque > Surname > B > Bastida
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BASTIDA Jaime Kerexeta says that This surname was originated in Lerida
(Catalonia), by a man named Juan Ruiz Bezudo, that invented a war machine
named Bastida, and adopted this name as surname.
Well, I don't think this is fully correct, may be the origin of a family
surnamed Bastida, but Bastida is a Lathin word with the meaning of
fortress, and there are places in the Basque Country with this name, and
there are families also with this name originaries from this places.
Labastida: village in the province of Alava (Basque Country)
There are two houses or farms with the name Bastida in Gipuzkoa, one is
located in Zumaia, and the other one is located in Oiarzun (quarter
Basque surnames are usually the name of a farm, the families toke their
surname from the name of the house, but sometimes people gave their
surnames to a new house, so we don't know if the surname was originated by
the name of the house, or a man surnamed Bastida built the house. I think
that probably in your case is the first option (the real name of the house)
Diego Bastida, born in the house of Zumaia, lived in Zestona in 1635
Benito Bastida y Urreta lived in Azkoitia in 1773.
The house of Oiarzun is a branche of the one of Zumaia, built more or less
in 1684
A family Bastida lived in Bilbao in 1826
There are also Bastida Families in Rioja (Haro, Najera, Calahorra)
There are 2 coats, the one of Alava, and the one of Zumaia, if you are
interested I will decribe them
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!