buber.net > Basque > Surname > B > Basulto
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BASULTO Yes there is a quarter of Bilbao named Basurto, there is a Big
Hospital on it called Hospital of Basurto.
I have not find anithing about this surname with L., but if your ancestors
came from South America can be probably a variation of the Surname Basurto,
in some zones of South America they used to change the R in to L. I have
loked up in a complete spanish atlas and there isn't any place called
Basulto, so I think is not a spanish surname, but a basque one.
BASURTO: This surname was originated in Bizkaia, more concretely in Abando
(today Bilbao), and there are also families with this name in Getaria and
Alegria in Gipuzkoa. There were branches of this family in Andalucia and
BASO: means forest, and URTO-ORTU, means cultivated place or vegetable garden.
there are lots of proves of nobility, there were men with this surname,
Knights of Santiago (1658,1660,1695,1779), Knights of Calatrava
(1668,1671),Knight of Alcantara (1682), Knights of San Juan de Jerusalen
Coat of arms: there are many (8 or 9)
There is another surname BASUALDO, tipical of Bizkaia, with branches in
Alaba, and a variation of it in Argentina: BASUALTO
Sobre BASULTO, he encontrado que es una variacion de Basurto, localizada en
Argentina y Mexico.
Otra posibilidad etimologica (mas probable) para Basurto es BASO+AURTENEAN
(testimono del siglo XVII), que querria decir "en medio del bosque", ya
explique que BASO es bosque o monte boscoso
Ha habido familias con el apellido Basurto en Nabarra, en Tudela y en
Lizagurria, ademas de en Bizkaia y Gipuzkoa.
This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!