buber.net > Basque > Surname > B > Beitia
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the meaning is DOWN, but in toponims and surnames is "The house of
the Down part", and in many surnames is used as a sufix. I think the origin
of the surname is Bizkaia, there are a lot of baserriak with this name
(Kortezubi, Fruniz, Gorozika,Ispazter, Ibarrangelu, Abando,Arrazola,
Bedarona, Bermeo, Manaria, Mendata, Morga, Mungia, Zenarruza, Erandio,
Rigoitia......) There are a few in Gipuzkoa (Albistur, Itsansondo,
Mendaro), so the only way to know the origin of your surname is to make a
good genealogical Tree. The opposite to Beitia is Goitia.
There were Beitias Knights of Santiago in 1688,1692,1784, and 1803, and
Knight of Carlos III in 1820
Coat of arms: I have found 4, depending of the place
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Eskerrik asko!