buber.net > Basque > Surname > B > Beltran
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Although Beltran is a spanish name (not very used today), there is also a
surname very common in the Whole Spain, and there are some families Beltran
in The Basque Country since long time ago, although are composed surnames
Beltran de Bedia:in Bedia and Bedia, Bizkaia (a branche went to Leon)
Beltran de Gevara: in Ilarraza, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Araba
Beltran de Salazar: In Karkamo, Araba
Beltran de Heredia: In Askarza, Araba
There are or there were Also Beltran families in Azpeitia, and Urretxu in
Gipuzkoa, and also in Navarra, there were branches of these families that
passed to Toledo and Portugal.
There are a family Beltran-Alustiza, documented in 1380 in Azkoitia.
There is a house named Beltranena (The one of Beltran) in Gipuzkoa, and
other Beltraenea in Nabarra.
Many of these branches has coat of arms
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Eskerrik asko!