buber.net > Basque > Surname > B > Beraza
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BERAZA The meaning of this surname is "Grass place" or in Spanish "Herbazal=
There are houses or caserios with this name in: Orozko (house beraza,
quarter of Beraza),and Sondika (Beraza Tower, and House Beraza Albokoa).All
in Bizkaia. There is a house Beraza in Oiarzun, Gipuzkoa, but is a
derivation from the Beraza house of Orozko.
Branches in Elgeta (Gip) 1595,Bilbao 1673, Arrigorriaga (Bizk), Okendo
(Arab), Alaza (Gip), and also in Nabarra (Iruna 1777). Kerexeta thinks that
the original house is the one of Okendo.
Coat of arms: Partido, 1st.- en plata dos lobos de sable andantes y puestos
en palo.2nd.- en azur, una banda de oro engolada en cabezas de dragones de
sinople. Bordura general de gules, con ocho aspas de oro.
There are other coats of the houses of Okendo, Arrigorriaga etc...
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!