buber.net > Basque > Surname > B > Bidaurreta (vidaurreta)
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BIDAURRETA (Vidaurreta) The origin of this surname is a place named
Bidaurreta in Nabarra, the place is located in the Etxauri Valey, near
In Gipuzkoa there are some houses with this name: Donostia, Gabiria,
Zumarraga, in Hernani, in Azkoitia, and the most important of them in
Bergara, Domingo Bidaurreta was Lord of Bidaurreta House in 1406, Martin
Bidaurreta lived in Arrasate-Mondragon in 1530, other martin Bidaurreta
lived in Onate in 1477..all in Gipuzkoa
Bautista Bidaurreta lived in Elorrio in Bizkaia in 1620
A man surnamed Bidaurreta was named knight of Carlos III in 1816
The meaning is BIDE: road, AURRE: behind, and the sufix ETA that in
toponims means place
There are 3 coats of arms of this surname
Basque names are names of houses, the families toke their house's name as
surname, some times a surname has only one origin, but other times the same
surname can have various origins
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