buber.net > Basque > Surname > B > Biguri
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BIGURI The origin of this surname is in LEZAMA (Araba) (There is other
Lezama in Bizkaia) (documented 1641), with branches in Katidiano
(Kuartango),Saratxo, and Lakamana, all these places in Araba
Proves of Nobility: Bilbao 1788,1800,1819 and Valladolid 1784 (this show us
that families with this surname went to Bilbao and to Spain)
Meaning: The origin can be the word Bigura:Mistletoe, I think this is the
most probable,
Coat of arms: En oro, un jabali de sable, con dos dardos clavados y
goteando sangre, there are other coat of Biguri: Cuartelado 1st y 4th en
azur, dos espadas curvas de plata con la empuniadura en oro, puntas arriba
y puestas en faja. 2nd y 3rd en purpura, dos flores de lis de plata, puestas
en faja
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Eskerrik asko!