buber.net > Basque > Surname > B > Bikandi
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Jaime Kerexeta says in his book that this surname's origin is in
Ondarroa. (Bizkaia), I have looked up in several books but I cannot find
any farm with this name in Bizkaia or Gipuzkoa, but I know that is very
tipical in Bizkaia, There are various families with this name in The
"Arratia Valey" in Bizkaia. The meaning of the name is difficult to know,
Mitxelena things that probably comes from the lathin word VICUS, but other
possibility is, PIKE or BIKE: great uphill or downhill,grade, ANDI: Big, so
the meaning can be great uphill.
Coat of arms: En azur, una cruz de plata, cargada de 5 bezantes de gules y
cantonada de 4 peones de plata abiertos o partidos
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Eskerrik asko!