buber.net > Basque > Surname > B > Viteri (biteri)
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VITERI (BITERI) there are houses or farms with this name in Artea
(Castillo Elexabeitia) and Aranzazu (not the aranzazu of Gipuzkoa), both
villages close one to another are located in the Arratia Valey in Bizkaia,
a branche of those founded the House Viteri in the Town of Areatza-Villaro,
also in Arratia Valey, and a branche of this last house passed to Gipuzkoa,
Mondragon (Eskoriaza is very close to Mondragon)
Coat of Arms: Partido, 1=BA en Oro, un sauce de sinople;2=BA en gules dos lo=
de plata, uno sobre el otro (algunos anaden bordura dentellada de plata).
Meaning: Can be a name of a person (Victorio, or other) , and can be
LOWLAND (from BE and EERI)
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Eskerrik asko!