buber.net > Basque > Surname > B > Bourtayre
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BOURTAYRE.....is a derivation of the surname GORTAIRI, and means: Domaine
de l'aire du champ communal, du terrain particulier. Il semble bien que les
var. telles que Bortairu, Gortairu soient encore une alteration.
This surname have a lot of variations, but this spelling is found in
Laburdi: Anglet, Bierritz, Larre, Zibure........Bourthayre in Biarritz
documented since 1887.
Nothern basque surnames, suffered a lot of variation because of the
influence of french ortography.
In Nabarra (Baztan) exists the surname Bortairi
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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!